Succeeding with Digital Marketing
How much time do you spend on your phone or computer each day? Don’t worry, we will NOT JUDGE! Frankly, there are days when it seems like we are constantly online. It’s hard to avoid! Everything seems to be handled through technology.
Getting takeout? Order using a restaurant’s app. Need groceries? Place an order online and pick it up in a matter of hours. Listening to music? Open up Pandora or Spotify and start jamming. Can you believe we used to print our directions ahead of time with no option of re-routing for construction, accidents, or just faster routes?! So many things in our lives have fully embraced and transitioned to the online space.
The same thing is happening with marketing! Digital marketing is more prevalent than ever - and for good reason. There are plenty of reasons why digital marketing is increasing in popularity and performance.
Digital Marketing FAQs
What is Digital Marketing?
Digital marketing is any form of marketing that exists online. Its purpose is the same as traditional marketing - to connect with your audience. But it can be done in so many ways; search engines, social media, utilizing other websites, and more.
What are the 4 steps to Digital Marketing?
There are a couple of key steps when setting up digital marketing.
Define Your Audience
Be Present Where Your Audience Is
Build An Effective Funnel
Monitor & report
We will go into these in more detail in this blog post.
Why is digital marketing important?
Digital marketing is important because it helps you reach a larger audience than you typically can through traditional methods. And it allows you to target the prospects that are most likely to buy your product. A double whammy when it comes to marketing.
Ready to dive into the details? Let’s set you up for success with digital marketing by looking at 4 actions you can take.
Define Your Audience
One great part of digital marketing is it allows you to get much more specific about who you are targeting. Will you be sending marketing messages B2B or B2C? Who are you hoping converts? Where a traditional print flyer is distributed to the masses, your online marketing materials can be distributed to a much more defined audience that has greater chance of conversion. So start by defining your audience.
Be Present Where Your Audience Is
This next one is big. If you want your target audience to see your marketing and take action, then you need to be pushing that marketing where they are! What are their habits? Their apps of choice? How do they like to engage and respond to brands? If your target audience consists largely of millennial moms, they more than likely are on Instagram. If you are targeting college age Gen Z’ers, you should probably consider joining and utilizing TikTok. Leverage the analytics around you to identify where your audience is spending their time, then join and be present in that same space. Not sure where your audience lives? Hootsuite breaks down social demographics by platform in this blog.
Build An Effective Funnel
After you have identified and built a presence where your audience is, next look at how you will be attracting and converting these customers. The most common way to do that is through a funnel. A funnel outlines the customer’s journey with you. Typically the marketing funnel looks like: Awareness > Opinion > Consideration > Preference > Purchase.
Awareness focuses on the consumer realizing they have a problem they need help solving. They begin to research options and engage in an initial interaction with your company. From this initial interaction, they form an opinion. That opinion will determine if they have further interest into your product and whether or not they will consider purchasing. The consideration phase also involves researching other similar products and companies. The decision of who to move forward with ultimately comes down to preference and perception. Once the consumer chooses their preference, purchasing is right around the corner. So when building out marketing material, think about how it will impact customers as they flow through your funnel.
Monitor & Report
An extremely important part of digital marketing is to utilize the analytics that come with it! Remember the print flyer from earlier that was distributed to the masses? With that print flyer, it is nearly impossible to track how many people visited your website, viewed your product, or even considered it for longer than the 15 seconds it took to move the flyer to the trash. Ouch, that stings right? But it’s true. Enter DIGITAL MARKETING! Analytics are at your fingertips. You can quickly see how many people visited your website, where they clicked in from, if they engaged with your offer, and so much more. Tracking and monitoring these results gives you valuable insight into what is resonating with consumers. It can also determine what ads to continue running and which to pause and/or pivot.
Do you need help with digital marketing? Have something in place that needs a little more love? Or even just feeling overwhelmed by where to start?
We can help! We offer digital marketing support as one of our core services! And we will tailor this based on what you are needing. We offer support in many different areas so that you can find what works best. We help with:
Digital Marketing Strategy and Execution
Content Management with SEO Copy
Product Detail Page Optimization
Social Marketing Strategy on Instagram & TikTok
Cost Per Click Advertising via Citrus Ad & Criteo
We love helping companies elevate their digital marketing and begin driving results. So let’s get you in front of your target audience and start converting customers today!